Are You Getting What You Need or Are You Getting Something that is Over Designed and Expensive?
When a private operator is involved in the design and construction of a new facility or an upgrade they review the design documents for constructability, cost effectiveness and how they would operate the facility for the term of their contract. Also, they look at the net present value of equipment and how that relates to their bottom line. There goal is to operate the facility to meet the regulatory requirements, the goals of the owner and their constituents and doing it all at the lowest possible cost.
It is all checks and balances.
Is this your goal when spending precious design and capital improvements funds? Do you believe that your design/consulting engineer has this in mind for your project? During your design process, your consulting engineer provides you with their best people and ideas each with a vast amount of knowledge and expertise. We are not saying replace them, never. We are saying allow us to work with you and your designers to ensure that you get the best, most cost effective, constructable and easy to operate facility for your work force.
We believe that we can save you a lot of Capital and Operating funds with this service.